Porting Sprint Number to Google Voice

We have a shared Sprint family plan for both of our Cell phones. The thing is that I also have a Blackberry and iPhone from work. That is 3 phones… and I don’t like carrying them all around. So instead I have decided to port my cell phone number to Google Voice. Since the Sprint plan is a family plan with two lines, I can switch to a standard plan without breaking our contract or having to start a new one. We double checked this with Sprint.

The first step is to sign onto you Google Voice account and start the number port. You will need a pin for your Sprint account that you use to authorize the Port. Once everything goes through, call up Sprint and change your plans. The number I transferred was for the secondary line. If it is for your primary line, it might be worth giving Sprint or your cell carry a call first to make sure everything will work first.

I will check back once I have things running for a bit.




