Doing easy things the hard way.

  • $100 Internet Enabled LED Message Board

    The Raspberry Pi is a lot of fun to play with but I wanted to do something “useful” with it. The obvious solution was of course to connect something fun to it. I have always wanted to have a message board all to my own so I can display my wisdom and entertain my co-workers.…

  • Raspberry Pi

    I recently got a Raspberry Pi. It is awesome. I am going to use this post to keep track of everything I have done to get it setup. Config program: Expand filesystem to size of SD card Set locale to EN(us) UTF8 Enable SSH Add proxy to apt-get: sudo su echo ‘Acquire::http::Proxy “http://yourproxyaddress:proxyport”;’ > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10proxy…

  • Forcing a Visual or HTML Mode in WP_Editor

    If you are incorporating the built-in TinyMCE editor into a WordPress Plugin using wp_editor() it is possible to force it into a mode. Simply latch onto the wp_default_editor hook: add_filter( ‘wp_default_editor’, ‘force_default_editor’ ); function force_default_editor() {     //allowed: tinymce, html, test     return ‘tinymce’; }

  • WP_List_Table and an Extra Nonce

    I am working on a WordPress plugin. For part of it I am adding a Metabox onto the Post Edit screen in the admin section. However things stop working if I add a WP_List_Table. That is because by default the list table adds a _wpnonce field, even though there is already one there for the…

  • Tilestream: Fixing interaction

    When I upgrade to a new version of Tilestream / Wax, apparently the method for adding interactivity change. Before I think it pulled some of the info from a JSON file. It can still do this, but my files seemed to include localhost versions of the server. Anyhow, long story short, you need to make…

  • Tilestream: Tiles not found

    I just upgraded to a newer version of Tilestream. Unfortunately after doing that, all my maps stopped working. When I went to my Tilestream UI, I was able to see that it was up and it was finding the MBTILE files. When I clicked on info, it became clear that the URL had changed. Instead…

  • node-xml2js causes “Can’t send headers…”

    Ugh! Turns out if you don’t use a new Parser for each request you end up exiting with “Error: Can’t set headers after they are sent.” Very annoying!

  • Installing NodePie on Ubuntu

    I was transferring my latest creation over to my hosted Ubuntu server and came across the most annoying error. I had to reinstall the NodePie module because it relies on compiled C code. I kept getting an error though about something called lib-expat. Anyhow, turns out you need to apt-get a new library: sudo apt-get…

  • Transferring from MongoDB to CouchDB

    So I wanted to move a larger number of records from MongoDB to CouchDB. Here are the basic steps I took: I  just wanted a selected number of fields (name, address, longitude, latitude) so I used mongoexport to put it into a JSON Array: ./mongoexport -d cookography -c places -f name,address,longitude,latitude -o test.json –jsonArray Both…

  • a DIV inside a LI

    Suppose you want to have a bunches of DIVs contained inside of a List Item… AND you want them to not mess with the height of the List Item and appear as a line of text? Well then, take this sample HTML: And apply this CSS:

Got any book recommendations?